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Out and about: pack smart and go!

Spring is in sight: on to the nice weather and fun trips with your little one. Will it be a walk to the petting zoo, a lunch on the terrace or a day at the beach? Of course you don't want to forget anything, but you also don't want to lug things around all day. Good preparation is half the job. After all, nobody likes a leaked diaper or a hungry baby. Pack smart and go!

On the road - transport

You won't get very far without transport and you often need everything to transport your little one. You secure your child safely in the high chair, ready to go. So far so good. But as you know, an accident can easily happen and it is nice if your car seat is protected with a car seat cover. messed up? No problem! Take the cover off, wash it and the chair is clean and fresh again! Your child also enjoys extra soft comfort and good moisture absorption in warm weather.

In the spring and summer it can still be quite chilly in the mornings and evenings. A wrap blanket or footmuff is the outcome. Of course, the pram or buggy should not be missing. And how about a sling or bag for when your baby gets restless?

  • Car seat
  • Car seat cover
  • (Wrap) blanket
  • Footmuff
  • Pram or stroller
  • Sling

I take care of you - Baby care

Whether you're five minutes away from home or three hours, your little one needs your care. Before the arrival of your child, were you already out the door towards the terrace at the first ray of sunshine? That's different now, so get that diaper bag ready to go.

What goes into this for sure? Let's start with enough diapers, ointment and wipes. In a cozy butt wipe pouch   of course! And how about one or more hydrophilic cloths? Ideal as a pad, extra blanket, burp cloth or bib for example. Don't forget an extra set of clothes and diaper bags for the dirty diapers. Sunny weather? Bring sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses. We call that patio insurance on the road!

  • Diaper bag 
  • Diapers 
  • Butt ointment
  • Butt wipes 
  • Baby wipe pouch 
  • Muslin towels 
  • Extra set of clean clothes 
  • Diaper garbage bags 
  • Sun hat 
  • Sunscreen 
  • Sunglasses for baby

Hunger - Nutrition

The age of your child determines exactly what food you take with you and whether you breast or bottle feed. Most little ones are very clear when the time comes: Hunger! And that means eating now. Are you breastfeeding? Some people handle it more easily than others, but if you like to have a little more privacy when feeding, you can also use such a handy hydrophilic cloth as a breast feeding cover.

For bottle feeding, bring a bottle with a cap, a thermos with boiled water and a bottle of (spring) water. Don't forget the milk powder that you can take with you in handy milk towers. Is your little one already eating solid food? Think of the fruit snack, a corn waffle, a sandwich and the drinking cup. Don't forget: a burp cloth, bib and spoon.

  • Breastfeeding cover 
  • Bottle with cap 
  • Thermos bottle with boiled water 
  • Bottle with (spring) water 
  • Milk powder in milk towers 
  • Optional fruit snack, corn waffle, sandwich 
  • Drinking cup 
  • Burp cloth 
  • Bib 
  • Spoon

Always important

● Favorite stuffed animal
● Pacifier
● Toys

From tips from our followers:

Need inspiration for an outing with your baby or toddler? These are the best outing tips from our followers:

Together to the petting zoo
‘Lily loves animals! Her favorite outing is the petting zoo. Feed the kids and pet the rabbits together. Tip: put on boots and a pack of wipes in the bag to clean your hands!

A nice plash
‘There is nothing more fun than swimming with our Boaz. Sometimes free swimming, or to a baby swimming lesson where we participate in games with a group and sing songs together in the water. Then he sleeps like a baby.

To the museum
‘The Nijntje Museum in Utrecht! Liz was amazed, there is so much to do and see. Be sure to plan your visit, as it can get quite busy. And for us it was also really nice to see how much of an impression it made on her.

Playground tour
‘Our kids can never get enough of the playground. And the big advantage is: there is always a playground nearby. Sometimes we cycle from playground to playground and we make it a real playground trip’.

Get some fresh air on the beach
‘Isa calls it the 'giant sandbox'. The beach is actually almost always a good idea. Even when the weather is not so nice, we come back completely blown out. Delicious!

‘If it rains and you still want to go out: the library. They often have a special children's corner where you can sit and read with your child. The choice is of course huge, view all the colorful books and choose something fun together and discover your favorites.'

Together on a bike ride
‘Where in the past cycling was a necessary evil to get from A to B, we now like to take the bike for a round with Finn. He likes it in front of the bike. Laughs out at us when we drive on bumpy roads.”

Everything for on the go

Wrap blanket fleece Cheetah - grey

€16.00 €19.99

Wipes pouch Knots - grey


Wipes pouch Mini Knots - sand


Wrap blanket fleece Cheetah - honey gold

€13.00 €19.99

Travel blanket Bouclé - offwhite - 75x100cm

€16.95 €19.95

Footmuff Teddy - greige - 40x82cm


Wipes pouch Knit Basic - sand melange


Footmuff Teddy - sand - 40x82cm


Footmuff Knots - offwhite - 40x82cm
