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 Placing a canopy over the crib

How do you do that easily?

The Meyco Baby canopy provides an extra sense of security for your little one and a super cozy atmosphere in the nursery. But what is the right way to hang the canopy? Don't worry, we'll walk you through it step-by-step!

How do you hang a canopy?

Our Meyco Baby canopies are easily attached to a canopy rod with a ring. The metal ring at the top of the canopy rod is the attachment point for the canopy. At the top of the Meyco Baby canopy, you'll find two open edges. Thread the metal ring at the top of the canopy rod through the lower open edge of the canopy. The upper edge of the canopy will now drape elegantly over the ring. Make sure the ribbon is on the inside of the back of the canopy.

Canopy rod for a canopy

You attach the Meyco Baby canopy to a canopy rod. The advantage of a canopy rod is that you can use it flexibly, as you can easily move the canopy without having to drill holes in the ceiling or damage the walls. When buying a canopy rod, make sure the floor stand is large enough, as not every stand is equally stable. You certainly don't want the canopy to fall on your baby in the crib.

Een voorbeeld van de piekstok

How do you hang a mobile in the canopy above the crib?

A question that is often asked is how to attach a mobile or hanger to the canopy. There are a few ways to do this as well. If you're a bit handy, you can attach them to the inside of the canopy with a needle and thread. But a much easier solution is a clip. You can then clamp the top of a music mobile or hanger to the ring of the canopy.

Een voorbeeld klem bekijken

The Meyco Baby canopy collection

The Meyco Baby canopies are made of 20% cotton and 80% polyester. Thanks to our wide range of different canopies in various colors, you'll effortlessly find the perfect match for your nursery. All canopy colors can be easily mixed with the rest of the complete Meyco Baby collection.

Choose the perfect canopy for your little one

Canopy Uni - sand


Canopy Uni - chocolate

€22.45 €24.95

Canopy Uni - offwhite


Canopy Uni - soft yellow


Canopy Uni - forest green


Canopy Uni - toffee
