TOG value
What is the TOG value?
De TOG value stands for Thermal Overall Grade and is a number that reflects the heat resistance and insulation from baby textiles and bedding. With the TOG value you can estimate more easily what you can use best for in the crib, for example adding a blanket, removing the blanket or a pyjama or not in the sleeping bag.
Choose a sleeping bag and bed linen
With the TOG value you can more easily estimate what you can use best in the crib to ensure that your baby will not get too hot or too cold.
The TOG value is a technical tool that reflects the heat resistance and insulation of baby textiles and bedding. The TOG value is measured at room temperature, and should be between 0 and 4. If the TOG value is higher than 4, there is a risk of heat build-up. The following table shows the general guidelines. The baby's body temperature should be monitored and the clothing should be adjusted accordingly.
The higher the TOG, the warmer the sleeping bag. Depending on the room temperature, different sleeping bags and different types of clothing are recommended for a comfortable and safe sleeping temperature.
The following table shows the general guideline. Only use the table as a guideline, always check yourself whether the baby is not too hot or too cold.
Does this mean that I can use any material blanket, as long as it meets the correct TOG value?
No. It is still important that you choose natural materials such as wool or cotton. This ensures that your child sleeps comfortably as well as safely. If you have slept under a fleece blanket yourself, that is not pleasant, because it does not breathe, so you sweat a lot. You will experience this as unpleasant yourself, so it is certainly not pleasant for your child. Materials such as wool and cotton breathe and ensure that your child does not sweat. Materials such as teddy, velvet, fleece or microfiber are non-natural materials that ensure that your child sleeps less comfortably.